Wednesday 24 October 2012

Mad About Marlies

A Year later and I am still not over the fact I missed out on getting the beautiful Florence range from Marlies Dekkers. Life lesson learnt .. you always regret not doing something, more than you regret doing something!

Friday 14 May 2010

Death & Beauty

I was made so happy on my early morning walk to uni to be greeted by this beautiful scene in Nottingham central graveyard. Who would have ever thought a graveyard could be so pretty?!

20ten Fashion Show @ NTU

The biggest fashion show ever held at Nottingham Trent Uni. Be prepared to be wowed!

Thursday 29 April 2010

Lace Me Up Bra

This is my first bra toile I made for my final collection. Made from floral reclaimed fabrics from industry. Made with minimal pattern pieces to reduce waste.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Nips !

Nipple Pasties handmade with love by me.

Monday 15 March 2010

Sweets For My Sweet, Sugar For My Honey

Photoshoot from Vogue

'Glorious Porn. Bouncing Tits, Shining Cocks, Come By The Bucketful.'

All images by Peter Franck

Lil Kim Or Blow Up Doll?

Dolly Loving

From 'Love Sick' the book.

Dolly Doll

From Elle Spring Summer 2008 Fashion Mag.
Love the doll look. Fav is the gem lips and the candy coloured powder with fake eye lashes. I remember the days of dressing my dolls up trying to make them look real, now we're dressing ourselves up to look doll like.

Made By A Book Worm

By Su Blackwell in Elle July 2009

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep . . .

My Favorite Bit Of Photography Ever

By Mario Testino

South Bank Style

Stencil Art

Painting The Town

Girl Graf

I do have to admit this is not fully my work. I found this graffiti in a book called 'Bay Area Graffiti'. I then adapted it on photoshop and added my own girly twist on it. I am not 100% sure who to credit for the hard work so I want to dedicate this to all the hard grafting aftisit out there, who make the town a brighter more colourful place. Thank you.

Graffiti Is Not Vandalism But A Very Beautiful Crime

This is an inspiration board for a competition I was doing for Oli the online store. I wanted to combine graffiti with elegant chic. A juxtaposition I wanted to experiment with.

Paper Beauty

Paper Cut Dress by Robert Ryan in Vogue

Sunday 14 March 2010

Crazy For Alice

Everyone is all over Alice in Wonderland. Spotted these girls on New Street, Birmingham.

I'm a Fan !

Accessorize has transformed itself from cute little accessory shop to the best ever cute little accessory shop on the high street. I absolutly love it. Love the packaging they have recently brought in. I think everything they do is fabulous!

Sex Sells !

Love the new Diesel ad campaign. So annoyed though, it would have fitted in perfectly with my dissetation. Too late.

The Candy Store

A MUST! If ever in Birmingham visit The Candy Store.

14 Picadilly Arcade, Birmingham, B2 4HD

Really fucking cool merchandise to tickle your tastebuds. Purchased myself a sexy t-shirt. The shop layout is ghetto chic, and the worker bees are the nicest people ever.

Go ! Go ! Go !

Lee Rosy's Tea Shop

If you are ever in Nottingham take a little trip to Lee Rosy's Tea Shop.

17 Broad Street, Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 3AJ

I recommend the Rooibos strawberry and cream tea. Get a cake too, they are amazing.

Sunday 28 February 2010

Throw Ya Hoods Up

The theme for this project was Personal Space. I looked at how different people mark their personal space. Got onto looking at chavs, and how they mark theirs. Somehow got onto making a collection of chav inspired hoods that you can roll up and pop in a small carry bag.

Recycle Reuse Repair Research

Starting point for my final collection on art foundation.


Spot the difference: vogue from the 70's and vogue from the 00's

Saturday 27 February 2010

New Romantics v's Burlesque

Fashion illustration project, creating a new trend by combining two old sub cultures.

Architectural Forms

The inspiration behind this lingerie set is old, worn down buildings taken over by ivy.

Paper Dress

Made whilst at Kingston for one of my first fashion projects.

My Mind

My Mind Dress. Made for Fine Art Mixed Media in Art Foundation at Kingston Uni.
The idea: the mind has many layers, some clear, some are solid, some patchy, the mind sometimes has missing pieces. This is expressed with the different fabrics used and the way the piece is constructed.

Valentines Is Over But The Roses Live On

These are dried roses given to me by my then boyfriend for valentines day. I wanted to keep them forever. So i cut the heads off and hung them upside down, they dried and I made them into a hanging decoration. The roses live on .. kind of.

Recycle Reuse Repair

This is my final collection for art foundation. I collected the unwanted clothes from charity shops and combined them with old scrap fabrics I had collected over time. Using simple shapes I created these 4 dresses.